LRS Vehicle Detector

Loop Replacement System

You can now monitor vehicle presence with a single saw cut.

Simplify Vehicle Detection With The LRS

The LRS has 10 sensitivity levels and a detection diameter of up to 3m (10ft.), making it the perfect all-around solution for detecting vehicles when installed either above or below ground.

Easy installation above or below ground

The small size of the LRS allows for easy installation in pavement with a single saw cut. The LRS flat pack (FP) and direct burial (DB) sensors are also suitable for above ground installations, making them ideal for use in confined areas or hidden in non-ferrous architectural components for security purposes.

Quick setup

THE ULTRAMETER™ SENSITIVITY DISPLAY shows the sensitivity setting required to detect a vehicle near the sensor. To use this feature, observe the display while a vehicle is moving into position near the sensor, note the number displayed, then adjust the sensitivity setting to the displayed position.

Ignore cross traffic with DETECT-ON-STOP™

The Detect-On-Stop™ (DOS®) feature requires that a vehicle must come to a complete stop near the sensor for a minimum of 1-2 seconds before the output activates.

Reduce install time and Callbacks

Thanks to easy configuration and adjustability, the LRS is simple to install and easy for users to adjust.

Long lasting

Rugged construction means longevity and fewer service calls to replace components.

Made in the USA

Products are made in the USA, so any parts or service needs are handled faster.

Watch the LRS Webinar

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, unless you have an LRS-L(logic interface) or you can utilize the NPN output available from the FP/DB.


If you have the LRS-L, you will still need one controller for initial programming of the sensor.

Shapes the detection field to reduce sensitivity from objects in the direction of the OFF axis.

They default to all ON if all three are set to off.

If there is no car parked near the sensor, this means the sensor sees a disturbance from ferrous metal local to the sensor or the sensor itself has moved since the calibration with controller.

A hard sealant that wont flex as pressure is applied to it. If the sealant can flex, it may allow slight sensor movement which will cause false detections/lockups.

The sealant also shouldn’t extend above the roadway. If it does, vehicle weight may be applied directly to the sensor and cause false detect/lockups.

Yes, it is somewhat easier to mount the DB sensor using straps but either model (DB or FP) can be mounted above ground if they are secured in a way that ensures no movement.

Technical Details

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